We'll find the bastard...

Here we go, now lets get the scissors...

Aha! We've go 'im! Look at 'im...all big and ugly. It's disgusting.

In the trash ya go! Then we'll pull you out through the belly button!

*This* is where all those unpleasant eggs come from that I have to keep getting rid of! Stupid ovaries...

And *this* one only helps the ovaries out! How rude..always cramping like that. You'd think they could find a way to go about their business without disturbing me. At least it's pretty and pink. Hey! It kinda looks like some kind of fruit...

Yet another ovarie. Just incase.

This is my gall bladder and liver. Yum yum yum. Looks like a cave in there. Goodness.

Just wait until we get our pictures from shoveling snow developed, and if katrina Megan ever goes to peter's housethe hospital, she'll have some fun fruit organ pictures too.