Upon arriving at our Latin class the first thing we decided to do was take a few picturs.  Unfortunately most of the people to be in our pictures were quite disagreeable.  Pictured here are:  Nik, Jordan, Joe, Brent and Steve Primus.

These guys were nicer.  Here we have Steve Secundus (who I am taller than.) Scott?  Frog guy?  Mullet dude?  I think his name is Scott.  He has both a frog and a mullet and I think he is also quite obsessed with Japan.  And then the other guy is Ben.  I think Ben's mother hates me.

Seen in this picture:  The top of Steve Secundus's head, Nik, Ben, The Back of Steve Primus and Brent.  This is in the Beloit LMC because today we had a sub.  They didn't know what to do with us, and the sub was not there yet, so we had to sit in the LMC.

There's the rest of Steve Secundus.  It's too bad that was such a blurry picture.  And as you can see in the background, we're actually getting a sub.  Poo.  She made us take a vocab quiz that day too.

That's Megan.  Me.  ha.  It's a kind of icky blurry picture, so if you would all just shift your attention to the rest of the picture, I can tell you that the guy off to the left in the suit is Matt.  He's not really in our latin class, for he's taking an independent study in Latin 6!!  Yeah.  He was really cool because he had this random southern accent, even though he grew up in Beloit.  The guy next to him is not in my Latin class either, but this girl who is in my class, Amanda, was talking to him, and his name is Jay, as in the Jay that came to evansville in third grade and always did flips offa the monkeybars.  And then of course there's the library dude and the back of Steve Secundus.

So here we're finally in the classroom.  Recognize the microphones?  There's Jackie.  From the looks of things she's enjoying a nice game of Bingo.  Not just any bingo though, Mythology bingo, where the caller says what they're the god of or says something about the god/ess and then we have to figure out who they are before we can put the marker on them. (durr)  I never won, but Matt, the Latin 6 guy won about four times, so he gave me a candy bar.  I think it's still in my backpack... slightly melted.  Ah, well, that's the best kind.

Another view of the bingo game.  This time Steve Secundus is up in front calling.  The guy on the left is Ryan.  He plays the trumpet.  He wrestles more.  That's why he's decked out in a Beloit outfit.  He had a meet that evening, and even though you can't see it in the picture, he had a garbage can next to him that he was constantly spitting in so he could lose two pounds for the meet that night.  I think wrestling is unhealthy.  You should also be able to see the back of Nik and Lee's ear.

Nichole took a bunch of pictures of Ben making various faces, and heres one of them.  The reason this picture is so damn cool is because it's a real smile.  Like, she must've made him laugh and then took the picture or something cool like that.

After school we met up with Ben's friend Justin.  He's in Latin one second hour.

Here are Nichole, Ben, Justin, and Jackie:  still in the parking lot.

All the cool people in Beloit wear Peter Shoes.  Here are two examples.

I lost my keys.  Here is Jackie helping me find my keys.

I don't know.  See the large tree in the background?  I almost hit that tree less than an hour before hitting a smaller tree nearby.

There's Justin and Jackie.  And my cds.  He's smiling.. teeehee.

Ben's hat says 'The Weeners' on it.  From what Nichole tells me they were a local sort of Beloit band that broke up.  Pictured here:  The We.

As we left Ben ran after us while taking off select items of clothing.  Here is a desperate attempt at catching that little spectacle on film, but I don't see him anywhere in this picture.

We went back to Beloit a second time, and this time got to meet some more fun people:  From left to right we have Mike, Seth, Justin, and Ben.

Here they are again:  Mike, Seth, Justin, and Ben

So this isn't actually in Beloit, but it's as close as we can get to Beloit on a daily basis.  This is how we take our Latin class.  Woohoo.

The End